Greek Gods and The Zodiac
Shout out to all the hedonistic #taurus people. Taurus is the earthy manifestation of Venusian energy.
Venus (Aphrodite in Greek Mythology) was born from the severed genitals of Uranus when his son Cronos (Saturn) deposed him as the patriarch. The penis was flung into the sea, turned it into a frothy milkshake, then Venus emerged from the water fully formed.
Venus energy is fertility, love, sex and wealth. In earthy form she is committed and desirous of stability and wealth. In air form (#libra) she is able to jump from lover to lover, from friend to friend, savoring the moment and then abandoning it for another.
#mercury is the planet that represents individual or “small” mind. It is your intellectual nature and communication style.
In Greek Mythology #hermes (Mercury in Roman mythology) was the god of communication as he delivered messages between Gods and humans. He is also the trickster god, famous for lying and naughty behavior.
The two zodiac signs associated with Mercury are #gemini and #virgo(separate post for Virgo is coming). These mercurial people are creative thinkers and need to be stimulated regularly.
Dedicated to all the beautiful #cancer peeps. Artemis (Diana in Roman mythology) was the goddess of the moon and the hunt. Ruled by the moon, Cancer is associated with the ocean tides, and so it is appropriate that it also is the home of the crab.
Cancer and the 4th house represents the home and the mother. Pure feminine love, and wrath.
Be kind to cancers. They are lovely, really. Don’t piss them off or you’ll be drowned or smashed up on the jagged rocks.
Leo, ruled by the sun. In Greece, #apollo the god of the sun, music, dance, poetry and light. He was the most beautiful god on amy Olympus.
#leo is meant to be seen and worshiped. They have big egos but even bigger hearts. They do love themselves, but any extension of that self is loved with absolute ferocity.
Dedicated to all the golden girls and boys!
Dedicated to the ever-so charming, beautiful and judgmental #libra. I acknowledge that you Libras have to hear about how fucking awful you are, and yet you’re the one who provides the sounding board for people to talk shit about you. I get it.
People don’t seem to appreciate that you’re the one who referees the match, or distributes the grain at the end of the harvest. Or tells stories around the fire as the cold autumn nights set in. Nobody says thank you for things they feel entitled to. Being a Libra is thankless. They only notice when you mess up.
Libra is Venusian air. Venus in her purest form here (because #taurus is more closely associated with Ceres/Demeter in Greek myth). She is unattached (like air) and can bounce from one lover or friend to the next.
Libra is about that last moment before things get cold and die. Isn’t everything more beautiful when it’s on the brink of death? Libra season is when pink October skies appear and delicate roses sprout then wilt in just a moment. That’s Libra. Blink and you’ll miss them. And that is what makes them so frustrating, right?
It’s not that libras are fake; they genuinely love you, but they feel that way about everyone. Libra is female energy that cannot be bottled because you cannot hold air. Maybe that’s why we get angry at them?
God forbid feminine energy cannot be exploited.
In Greek Myth, #hades (#pluto in Roman) is the lord of the underworld. He owns the souls of the dead. He lives under the earth where gold and oil accumulate.
Hades stole the virgin goddess of spring #persephone (associated with #taurus and #virgo energy) from her mother #demeter the goddess of the harvest.
The land went baron and drought set in, killing the people. Demeter grieved the rape and kidnap of her daughter. Until Zeus, king of the gods, brokered a deal with Hades to let Persephone be with her mother for half of the year, during spring and summer. In autumn, she must go back underground and serve Hades and be his queen.
After knowing the story, isnt is obvious why virgos and Scorpios are addicted to each other?
Oh, #aquarius. Ruled by Uranus, the planet that represents our collective dreams, ambitions, and progress. In Greek Myth, he was the primordial god of the sky and patriarch of the other gods. He was deposed by his son Cronus and had his genitals severed off and thrown into the ocean, which resulted in the birth of his (sort of) daughter Venus.
Aquarius is the sign of genius, progress, and Revolution. It is chaos and terror in the name of humanity. Aquarius wants to light up the world with truth, no matter how painful. Indeed, they explore pain on an intellectual level as if understanding it will minimize the hurt.
An Aquarius loves people; they are advocates, humanitarians, and disrupters. They are the guillotine that holds the corrupt accountable for their shit. Aquarians destroy systems that no longer work. Freedom fighter for some and warlord to others, they are as popular as they are despised.
Aquarians are weird. If you want to love one right, you need to accept the genius of their chaos. Encourage them to always do better. Be their cheerleader, even when they’re embarrassed about your pom poms. Because it’s lonely being them, and yet they need the loneliness to distance themselves from the battles and brawls with authority.